The Bald Life Anthology series is the perfect platform for you to share your voice with the world. Are you living the Bald Life and want to share your experiences with others? Do you believe the world needs to see the entire bald community with compassion and understanding?
Living the Bald Life will take you on a journey of resilience, hope, healing and love. As you read through the stories of the men and women who decided to live in their truth despite societal beauty and relationship norms, we pray you are blessed, encouraged, and strengthened on your journey.
Each voice in this book represents what it means to live well, despite beauty standards, gender norms and the emotional/ psychosocial effects of loss. Let the stories contained in these pages be an uplifting choir, the voices of the unheard. In these pages lies the triumph of gaining peace in your identity.
Men and women are affected equally when it comes to Alopecia. The Alopecia Anthology Project Series was designed to allow them to stop living in silence while their crown is stripped away.
This is the second edition of ... Alopecia: His Story
A collaboration book that will be the first of its kind. We are searching for 25 brave men living with Alopecia to share their stories to encourage others to live out loud while embracing their hair loss. This book will finally put a voice to the often unheard struggles and triumphs that men have with alopecia hair loss.
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Society has high regard for a woman’s hair and outer beauty. Sudden hair loss for a woman is traumatic and devastating. The sudden change in one’s appearance can be very upsetting and can lead to negative feelings that can affect a woman’s self-esteem and social life. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that is mysterious and uncontrollable. It is not life-threatening, but as a woman, it can cause anxiety and can lead to psychological consequences including depression.
Every woman’s journey and experience are different.
Does this sound like your journey? If so, we want you to share your story so it can help someone else. Your story and voice need to be heard. We invite you to collaborate with us on this alopecia awareness journey so other women know they are not alone, and support is here.
Join us NOW!
As a parent, we naturally want to protect our children. Having a child diagnosed with Alopecia takes a toll on the entire family unit including the siblings. The family is the first line of support/defense in helping the individual navigate their hair loss journey.
Does this sound like your journey? If so, we want you to share your story so it can help someone else. Your story and voice need to be heard. We invite you to collaborate with us and other families on this alopecia awareness journey so other families know they are not alone, and support is here.
This book will put a voice to the often, unheard struggles and triumphs that families have with alopecia hair loss.
Are you ready to encourage another Alopecia family?
Join us NOW...
Male and female alopecia can affect you differently. The first thing noticed when meeting a person is their appearance, height, style, attractiveness, hairstyle, or baldness. Being in a relationship takes a lot of work, and if alopecia hair loss is added to the equation it brings another level of stress. For some people, alopecia affects how they think about relationships and dating. A leading factor when dating is looks. Most people worry that hair loss would make them less attractive to themselves and their partners. They are concerned that their partner will no longer accept them if they have alopecia. Most times the opposite is true. Many people with alopecia have relationships that have stood the test of time and have been successful.
Are you one of them? If YES, we know your story would be a great example to other couples - would you agree?
If you do, we need to hear your story on how you have supported each other. Join this collaboration of couples that will share their truth! Become an author and in -turn help someone else.
Join us NOW!
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